
  • Teams
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Rivals of Aether
  • Start
    March 14, 2021 at 8:30 PM CET
  • Check-in

The time has finally come, we now have the technology. This is an EU only Rivals of Aether 2v2 tournament. Go form your team and experience this mostly uncharted gamemode!

- Tournament starts this Sunday, at 20:30 CET, with check-ins starting half an hour earlier.

- When tournament starts, the #tournament channel will be used to talk with your opponents in our discord server.

- Team names are optional, but you must always type the name of both players in the team name somewhere.

- This tournament is for Steam (pc) players. Console players can't join. I mean it's technically impossible.

Rules are exactly what you would expect:

  • Check in opens 30 minutes before tournament "begins". Failure to check in will result in automatic Disqualification. Once check in has finished, please be patient as some matches may have to be adjusted. Do Not begin matches until you receive notification that the tournament has officially started.
  • Bo3 Sets, except for Top8 being Bo5 Sets.
  • Stage selected by striking between all stages using the ingame method. In doubles, each player bans/selects 1 stage each. If the selected stage to be played on is different between the players, the game will randomize between the 2 choices.
  • The loser team of a game can change their Rivals freely. The winner team must report a potential character change to their opponents.
  • Game crashes are reviewed on a case by case basis with the compromise solution being remaking the game completely. It's reportable when it happens more than once.
  • When your opponent is not responding for more than 10 minutes or if you encounter unbearable lag during a match, report it to a TO. We will look into the problem.
  • DSR is active.  During a set, unless both teams agree, your team may not select a stage you have already won at.

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